Saturday, February 2, 2013

Almost Like Jewelry

After finally getting a new lens spanner wrench; they send the wrong one... Pins do not work with a slotted threaded ring. Seeing as I cannot (once again) take the lens apart, cleaning and polishing is underway.
Some part were just too small or too fragile to use the buffing wheel on, so a block of aluminum, 4000 grit sandpaper, and some polish to the rescue. The following is just to show the process:

And, we have no more corrosion and a clean/smooth/shiny part:

This part was a strange thing to work with... This is the film window to the shutter. The reddish brown color is what I can only assume to be varnish. The varnish apparently never cured, or just broke down over time, as it was like glue.

These are the upper works of the shutter release and wind. The movement was total shit thanks to the corrosion/oxidation. First I put them in the sonic cleaner for a few cycles, and then started the process of polishing and sanding the rough off the parts.

The film window, after cleaning/sanding/polishing/ and flame setting a new coating:

The parts after cleaning and polishing:

Assembled (what I can at this time). I will be adding some pure silicone grease to the parts, before it goes back together for the last time. This is to keep all dirt out of the movements, and also to make things cleaner and less slippery to work on.

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